REACH & TEACH Make Room for Change Download the Make Room for Change Guide and use each “Earthsheet” to determine... Holiday Guide ‘Tis the season of gift giving and spending time with friends and family.... Raise Your Voice for Farm Animals by Khadijah Rahim PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE SUBJECT MATTER OF OUR BLOG... Amazing Elephants World Elephant Day by Khadijah Rahim August 12, 2021 was World Elephant Day!... Backyard Buddies by Khadijah Rahim Summertime! With warm weather and blooming plants, you might notice... Plastic Free July by Khadijah Rahim Born 10 years ago, plastic free July sprouted from the... Help Idaho’s Wolves by Khadijah Rahim Decades worth of efforts, not only in millions of dollars,... Do Good When Good Comes To You! By Khadijah Rahim My family always raised me with the idea that when... Reaching & Teaching Kids for Positive Change believes a healthy and balanced world includes learning about... Baby Bird Season is Here! by Khadijah Rahim It’s spring! That means flowers blooming, sun shining, and spring... Earth Day Celebrations Around the World by Khadijah Rahim This past week we celebrated Earth Day! And for that... Happy Earth Day! by Khadijah Rahim Earth Day Earth day; a day celebrated annually, on April... Stay Connected! Sign up for our newsletter Get Free Email Updates! Signup now and receive an email once I publish new content. Thank you for subscribing. Something went wrong. I will never give away, trade or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.