Be Inspired : News & Student Projects
Kids for Positive Change Students Meet Dr. Jane Goodall!
Kids for Positive Change Roots & Shoots Group presented their Earthbench and Last Plastic Straw Project to Dr. Jane Goodall during the Roots & Shoots Showcase in Chicago, IL, on March 23, 2019.
“Dear Camille, The more we act together, the faster we will see change. …. With love, Jane Goodall”
Kids for Positive Change Partners with The Calhoun School
Students from The Calhoun School, in NYC, chose an environmental or social justice platform topic and developed community outreach projects to reach, teach and inspire kids and adults to take positive action, with help from Kids for Positive Change.
Featured Student Slideshows
(click on the picture to view slideshow)
Advocacy Letters (click on images to read letters)
Informative Slideshows (click picture and scroll through pages)
Take Action Tik Tok Videos!
Sustainable Fashion & Beauty Think Tank Team Presents:
Calhoun students, Sara B., 9th grade, Sydney A., 12th grade, Victoria G., 10th grade, Maria S., 9th grade and Elle A., 10th grade, created and launched a Sustainable Living Website and produced a “How To Make a Sustainable Face Exfoliant” video.
Informative Slideshows (click picture and scroll through pages)
Hugo & Jack., Grade 10
Izzy F., 11th Grade
Student Community Outreach via Social Media and a Website (click on pictures)

“Camille Licate and Kids for Positive Change is the best thing that could have happened to my class! It more than met my expectations and will have a lasting impact on my students and myself as a teacher.”
Debbie Aronson, Director, Community Service Learning, The Calhoun School, NYC
In the News
Kids for Positive Change Featured on NBC's Live on Lakeside!
International Day of Peace 2019 : Focused on Climate Action
Kids for Positive Change students, from Ashtabula Area City Schools and St. John, say a few words about how their environmental advocacy contributes to peace for our planet.